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Sylvie Léveillé

National Architectural Design Manager


Sylvie Léveillé

National Architectural Design Manager


With over 20 years of experience in architecture and design, project management, marketing and business development. My main role is to collaborate with project A+D firms by acting as a consultant in the context of realizations of commercial and industrial environments.

As a certified interior designer (APDIQ, IDC), industrial designer (ADIQ) and PA LEED, this is an asset in proposing ideas and solutions for my clients.

Contact me if you would like more information on the Stonhard difference. I look forward to hearing from you!

Valérie Dormoy

Architectural Services Manager / Directrice du service d'architecture


Valérie Dormoy

Architectural Services Manager / Directrice du service d'architecture


Interior designer graduate with over 10 years of experience in sales & project management, my goal is to build a strong, fun, and lasting relationship. Through creativity, determination & passion I always find a way to bring the vision to reality.


Teamwork is in my DNA. I will be glad to team up with you in your next projects and to provide you with my expertise. 

If you want more information on the Stonhard difference, feel free to reach out & let’s get to work!

Polina Savchenko

Architectural Services Manager


Polina Savchenko

Architectural Services Manager


With over 15 years of experience in the architectural, design and construction project management industries, I am focused on providing solutions and fostering productive relationships within A&D community. 

Holding a Master’s Degree in Architecture and a Bachelor of Environmental Design gives me the confidence and knowledge to engage in complex commercial and industrial projects, collaborate with multidisciplinary teams, and develop innovative solutions within set budgets and timelines. 

My practical experience allows me to understand industry specific needs and challenges and to help architects and designers in navigating complex process of product selection, ultimately saving them valuable time and resources. I am a true believer that any product recommendations should be presented in a straightforward and accessible manner. 

Whether you are looking for more details, need clarification, or want to learn about the Stonhard difference, I'm here to help!

Daniela Simone

Architectural Services Manager


Daniela Simone

Architectural Services Manager


With a background in interior design and project management I aim to work with my clients to build lasting relationships while meeting all their project needs and requirements. Utilizing a strong attention to detail and extensive industry experience I am able to provide the most effective solutions for all my client’s needs. Looking forward to working with you to implement the ultimate Stonhard difference experience!



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